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Our company was founded in 1998, is an enterprise that manufacture precise hardware accessories, special screw. The company owns the advanced production equipments, including the CNC lathe, automatic lathe, the forging 、twist thread machine. Current factory premises area 3000 square meter, excellent employee team more than 300 persons. Rely on the strong engineering technique power, experience successively many years development to have made the company play the important role in computer, electronics, toys, lighting, electric appliances, athletics device, furniture etc.
The company is since establish, always with" protect the quantity, high service, guard the prestige, mutual benefit" is the development outline of the business enterprise, pass the sound quantity management system attestation, practice the strict quantity manage, creating the high-quality product.
We will with professional service spirit, abundant production experience and customer physically of the production need combines together, providing the high-quality product for the customer with the thoughtful service.
手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/c_szhtx.html 主营业务:Our company was founded in 1998, is an enterprise that manufacture precise hardware accessories, special screw. The company owns the advanced production equipments, including the CNC lathe, automatic lathe, the forging 、twist thread machine. Current factory premises area 3000 square meter, excellent employee team more than 300 persons. Rely on the strong engineering technique power, experience successively many years development to have made the company play the important role in computer, electronics, toys, lighting, electric appliances, athletics device, furniture etc.
生产型 成立年份:1998年 |
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